Ngā Kaimahi
Te Paepae Ārahi Trust is comprised of full-time and part-time staff, including qualified and accredited DAPAANZ Clinicians, Counsellors, Social Workers, Support Workers, and ancillary staff.
Our passionate team operate within Te Awakairangi (Hutt Valley region) delivering services directly to whanau whaiora or supporting other community initiatives.
We also acknowledge those who came before us, the Kaiārahi and Kaimahi of Te Paepae Ārahi who helped lay the foundations of this kaupapa, and built it into what it is today, Mauri ora!

Kaiwhakahaere Matua (General Manager)
Jeremy Tumoana
Ko Horouta me Mātaatua ōku Waka
Ko Maungahaumi me Taiarahia ngā Maunga
Ko Waipaua me Ōhinemataroa ngā Awa
Ko Te Aitanga ā Māhaki me Ngai Tūhoe ōku Iwi
Ko Jeremy Tumoana ahau.
I feel absolutely privileged to hold my role as Kaiwhakahaere of our Trust, and to hold the ahi kaa on behalf of my predecessors of leaders and Rangatira among our Māori community, and to be able to work with our fantastic team of kaimahi who work tirelessly to support our whānau whanui ō Te Awakairangi. I have worked in Mental Health and Addiction for over 20 years, and I have broad management experience, working in a wide range of sectors including the Ministry of Health, General Practice, DHB Health management, Philanthropy, and community and education sectors.
My most recent role was 6 years working as Regional Portfolio Manager MH&A Central Region. My vision is for our whānau service network is “te tipu haere tahi” or “growing our shared capability together” to support our whānau and kaumatua now, and to build better futures for our rangatahi and mokopuna. Mauri ora!

Kaitautoko (AOD Counselor/ Support Worker)
Timothy Napela Shay
Ko Kauai te Moutere no Hawaii
Ko Nounou te Maunga
Ko Wailua te awa, me Moananuiākea ahau
Ko Lihue taku tūrangawaewae
No te Ohana Napoleon
I became a resident of New Zealand in May of 2000.
I completed my Science Degree: Addiction Studies at Diablo Valley Jr College in California and received my Post Grad Cert in Mental Health and Addictions from Auckland University of Technology,
I began my employment at Te Paepae Ārahi in September of 2013 where I began working as a AOD Counsellor and facilitator of the Impaired Drivers Awareness Course.
Over the years I've been a part of many peoples journeys though this organisation, supporting and assisting them to realise their own potential, inspiring hope and change.

Kaiāwhina Matua (Executive Assistant)
Debbie-Lee Robinson
Ko Te Mahuhu Ki Te Rangi te Waka,
Ko Tokatoka te Maunga,
Ko Arapaoa te Awa,
Ko Kaipara te Moana,
Ko Ngāti Whātua te Iwi,
Ko Te Uri O Te Hau te Hapu,
Ko Waihaua te Marae,
I was born and raised in Taita, Lower Hutt.
My role at Te Paepae Ārahi is to support our kaiwhakahaere, management team and board by organizing and ensuring efficient operations within the workplace.
I am passionate about our Hutt Valley whānau being supported through Kaupapa māori and couldn’t think of a better place for that than here at Te Paepae Ārahi.
In my spare time I love hanging out with my whānau, diving, 4WDing and gaming.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Tiipene Babbington
He uri o Ngāti Porou mē Ngāti Tuwharetoa ahau nei rā te mihi ki ōku mātua e moe ki te kainga tūturu o tātou tīpuna.
I was born in Te Awakairangi to a carpenter and a telephone exchange operator, and raised in Rānui, Waitakere in West Auckland which is known globally for it's wines, the bush and it's beaches.
I moved my family to Wellington in January of 2020 to support my wife into new mahi. I've worked in Mental Health for the past 31 years, and in addictions for the past 4 years.
I'm a Pāpa and a Dad, a Koro and husband.
One of my greatest enjoyments in life is jamming music with friends and family, and especially in my work, where the greatest reward is witnessing positive social and spiritual shifts through music. In that capacity, I am currently a program lead for our music program, and I am a community support worker. I welcome positive vibrations and provide an opportunity for fun in our very welcoming environment.
Noreira, he mihi nui ki a koutou.
Kei te pai, don't be shy.
Tēnā tātou katoa.

Kaiwhakaheare Rauemi (Operations Manager)
Nicole Gilbert
Nicole Gilbert
Ko Pekapeka te Maunga
Ko Rangitikei te Awa
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Poupatate te Marae
Ko Ngati Pikiahuwaewae te Hapu
Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa me Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga ngā Iwi.
Ko Nicole Gilbert tōku ingoa
I was born and raised in Wainuiomata (the hidden gem in Wellington) I have worked for Te Paepae Arahi for the past 5 years and I am currently the Operations Manager. Guided by tikanga, I am committed to fostering a culturally safe and empowering environment for both kaimahi (staff) and the whānau they serve.
I advocate for holistic approaches that integrate Māori models of health, such as Te Whare Tapa Whā and Te Wheke, ensuring services are responsive to the needs of tangata whaiora and their whānau.
During my spare time, I enjoy baking, spending time with whanau and looking after my hauora.

Nēhi Rēhita, Kaiwhakaora (Registered Nurse, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist)
Gretchen Murray RN PG Cert health sciences
Ko Pukemokimoki te Maunga
Ko Te Whanga o Ruawharo te Moana
Ko Tākitimu te Waka
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi
Ko Gretchen Murray tōku ingoa
I am from Ōtautahi Christchurch with whakapapa links to Ahuriri Napier.
I’ve been based in the Hutt region for 10 years now and I love working in this community!
I have had a twenty-year career as a Nurse, caring for diverse communities across Australasia. In 2020, I commenced working in the mental health sector, at Te Paepae Arahi.
I’m passionate about empowering people with mental health challenges to live their absolute best lives. I draw from my wealth of clinical knowledge, my practical life skills and experiences, and therapeutic interventions.
I also practice as a DAPAANZ (Drug and Alcohol Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa New Zealand) registered Supervisor.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Natasha Morgan
Ko Marotiri, ko Pōhue ōku Maunga
Ko Mangahauini, ko Koukourarata ōku Awa
Ko Tuatini, ko Puare ōku Marae
Ko Te whānau a Ruataupare ki tokumaru, ko Ngāti Huakai ōku Hapū
Ko Ngāti Porou, ko Kaitahu ōku Iwi.
Ko Tash Morgan tōku ingoa.
I have worked as a community support worker within Te Awakairangi for the past eight years, specialising in mental health and general hauora support and facilitating peer support groups.
I completed a diploma in Te reo Māori, I'm passionate about supporting whānau through 'Oranga Tonutanga' (Continued wellbeing) strategies using te ao maori practices.

Kaiwhakamahereora Hinengaro / Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner Tauwhiro / Social Worker reg. 1532069
Imogen Goldsmith BSW (she/her)
Ko Airangai ko Ingarangi
Te whakapaparanga mai
Engari Te Tangata Tiriti ahau.
Ko Tapu te Ranga (Island Bay) te whenua tupu
Ko Te Whanganui a Tara te kainga toku whānau
Kei Te Awakairangi au e noho ana
I have been a registered social worker for 7 years, and mental health clinician here at Te Paepae since 2020 and love our team! I whakamana tangata whaiora and their whānau to pursue their own hauora goals in the context of a safe and collaborative healing relationship. In my mahi I am informed by the following models of practice: Te Ara Whakamana, Te Whare Tapa Wha, Powhiri Poutama, Motivational Interviewing, Solutions focused therapy, Self Compassion, Parts work/Internal Family Systems, Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Somatic awareness interventions. I also offer neurodivergent coaching, advocacy and psychoeducation.
I'm a graduate of the Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy Training Program and am working towards certification as a Hakomi Psychotherapy practitioner. Te learn more about this therapy modality, click here About Hakomi — Hakomi Experiential Psychotherapy.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Elaine Davoren
Ko Maungahaumi te Maunga
Ko Mangatu te Awa
Ko Horouta te Waka
Ko Te Ai-tanga-Mahaki te Iwi
Ko Mangatu te Marae
Ko Elaine Davoren toku Ingoa
I am a Kaitautoko community support worker, currently working within Access and Choice. I also co-facilitate Whainga Te Whirikōka (Women’s Group).
I completed my degree in Social work, which led me to working in schools and alternate education as a social worker. I worked alongside whanau with Intellectual and physical disabilities at Community Connections Services for 11 years.
I have now worked at Te Paepae Ārahi for 2 years and I enjoy it, challenges and all.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Kayde Wallace
Ko Tokomaru te Waka
Ko Taranaki te Maunga
Ko Waiongana te Awa
Ko Te Āti Awa te Iwi
Ko Puketapu te Hapu
Ko Muru Raupatu te Marae
Ko Te Whiti o Rongonmai te Tupuna
Ko Kayde Titapu Warahi ahau
I am passionate about helping rangatahi in our community, a tīnana, a Wairua, a whānau, a hinengaro hoki.
I help facilitate kauapapa within kura and alternate education thoughout Te Awakairangi Naenae, Taita, Hutt Valley High and Hutt Valley Activity Center.
We utilize te ao Māori and our taiao to help re-indiginize and give help and hope to our rangatahi.
I currently lead the Tangaroawhakamautai and Whakaohowairua Rangatahi programs as part of Ngā Kete Aronui.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Naphtali S Leau
Ko Pukeatua te Māunga
Ko Raukawa te Moana
Ko Laumoso’oi te Waka
Ko Siumu and Faleasiu tōku Iwi
Ko Sa’aga tōku Hapū
Nō Hamoa ahau
Im proud to call Te Paepae Ārahi my whare of mahi or fale tautua. Going onto 3 years now as a Kaitautoko working within Access and Choice the Housing portfolio and lead of our Toka Tu Moana dive program.
Led by my Faith and Wairua, it’s an honor and privilege to be apart of a team who empower our rangatahi and our community by encouraging and giving them hope on their journey. Love my sports, coaching youth teams in Rugby and League and being in the Moana is my reset
Colossians 3:23-24:'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart'

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Rohan Gear
I whānau mai au i Poneke
I tipu ake au i Wairarapa
He toko rua aku tamariki
Ko Taratahi tōku maunga
Ko Whareama tōku awa
I first engaged with Te Paepae Ārahi in may of 2020 where I began attending Te Rōpu Tane. I then began volunteering as part of the Kaibosh team a year later, quickly realising that I wanted to partake in a more active role, so when I was offered a full time position as a Kaitautoko I jumped at the opportunity.
Life's experiences and help from Te Paepae Ārahi have given me the tools to become a better father. I now support others with parenting, I help by equipping them with the tools and means to become better parents also.
I co-facilitate the Men's group weekly and I am an active member of the Te Paepae Ārahi Board of Trustee's as a Tangata Whaiora Representative.
'Kia ū ki te pai, kia whai hua ai'
Hold on to what is good, and good things will follow.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Lania Whatuira
I te taha o tōku Pāpā
Ko Whakapūnake te Maunga
Ko Takitimu te Waka
Ko Te Wairoa Hōpūpū Hōnengenenge Mātangi Rau te Awa
Ko Ngāti Kurupakiaka te Hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa te Iwi
Ki te taha o tōku Māmā
He piko he taniwha ko Waikato te Awa
Ko Ngāti Wairere te Hapū
Ko Tainui te iwi
Qualified Kaitiaki of Bi-cultural Professional Supervision and Addictions & Counselling.
I am committed to fostering and nurturing transformative change and holistic well-being for tāngata whaiora and their whānau.
Having developed an indigenous applied practice and model “Te Au ō Whatuira:”, my purpose is to seamlessly integrating wairuatanga, theory, and practice to ignite māramatanga and mauri ora!

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Jhansi Hawkins
Ko Nga Waka a Kupe te Māunga
Ko Ruamahanga te Awa
Ko Taki Timu te Waka
Ko Hau Ariki te Marae
Ko Ngati Kahungunu o Wairarapa me Wairoa ōku Iwi
Ko Ngati Pahauwera tōku Hapū
I grew up in Lower Hutt, Wellington, which has instilled my deep appreciation for community and culture. I achieved my Bachelor of Social Work from Otago University which has supported my passion for bettering the lives of my people and community.
I bring to the table not just passion and hard work, but also an eagerness to continuously grow within the realm of Kaupapa Māori. My role alongside my team, is to support the wellbeing of the Rangatahi within our communities, to uplift and support the development of our future generations.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Hinu Tekira
I te taha o tōku Pāpā
Ko Hikurangi te Maunga
Ko Waiapu te Awa
Ko Horouta te Waka
Ko Te Ao Tāwarirangi te Marae
Ko Ngāti Porou te Iwi
I te taha o tōku Māmā
Ko Taranaki te Maunga
Ko Waingongoro te Awa
Ko Aotea te Waka
Ko Manaia te Haukāinga
Ko Nga Ruahine te Iwi
I have worked in the kaumātua, rangatahi and disability arena for most of my working career, and more recently I undertook an admin role while I completed my Bachelor of Social Work Degree. Upon completion of my degree, my journey led me to Te Paepae Ārahi where I have an opportunity to work with in a Kaupapa Māori space, which has allowed me to bring my Te Aō Māori worldview and lived experiences together when working alongside whānau.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Jason Meads
Ko Ruapehu te māunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Nō Manawatu ahau
Ko Meads tōku whānau
Ko Jason tōku ingoa
Tena koe, I was born in Manawatu but moved to Whanganui a tara in my early teens.
I am passionate about walking alongside whānau to reach their aspirations and goals who may have struggled with addiction or mental health challenges.
I have lived experience and a vast array of life skills which assist me in this area as well as a love of learning both holistic and clinical models of practice.
I am currently studying for a post graduate certificate in health, focused on violence and trauma having previously completed an applied addictions counseling program as an AoD practitioner.
I enjoy mixing different models of care to best assist whānau navigate their individual journeys and overcome personal barriers.
Iti noa ana he pito mata.
From the withered tree, a flower blooms.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Rolando Jakob
Ko Pukeatua te Maunga
Ko Te Awakairangi te Awa
Ko Waterman te Waka
He uri ahau no Hrvatski
Mai i te whanau Jakob
I was raised in Wainuiomata and have Croatian heritage. My family have lived in Te Awakairangi for over 50 years.
I completed my Bachelor of Counselling and Addiction Practice degree in 2021 and now work as a Counsellor for Te Paepae Ārahi. I also have lived experience, which motivates me to support others experiencing mental health and addiction challenges.
I am trauma certified and utilise a multi-modal therapeutic approach through a Te Whare Tapa Wha lens.
Mauri ora!

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Andre Wihongi
Ko Hikurangi Taku Maunga.
Ko Kaikou Tōku Awa.
Ko Eparaima Makapi Tōku Marae
Ko Ngati Hine Tōku Hapu.
Ko Ngapuhi Tonu Tōku Iwi.
Ko Hape Wihongi Tōku Papa.
Ko Monica Mataiaha Tōku Māmā.
My role is that of a Peer Support Kaitautoko at Te Paepae Ārahi. I have lived experience and knowledge of Mental Health and Addiction issues. This years I plan to study Te Reo Māori and Social Work this year.
I love being in group spaces, I help co-facilitate group sessions at Bridge program in Newtown. I've learned a lot about who I am, and what I'm supposed to do with my life. I'm meant to help people in as many ways as I can, I have a clear pathway.
The secret to living is giving. Be the best version of your self everyday. Have gratitude for everything good and bad. Love life, not live life. Tau,Tika,Pono,Aroha.
Tenā koutou, tenā koutou, tenā koutou katoa!

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Karaiti Wainohu-Bird
Ko Whakapunake tōku Maunga
Ko Waiau tōku Awa
Ko Takitimu tōku Waka
Ko Ngai Tamaterangi me Pahauwera ōku Hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa tōku Iwi.
I was born and raised in the Hawkes bay, I completed my formal training as a Counselor and then completed the Applied Addictions Counseling program at Te Taketake.
I began working at Te Paepae Arahi in April 2023.
I have now worked in the Addictions and Mental health sector for over 10 years, where I began working with Rangatahi then eventually working with whānau of all ages. In my spare time, I enjoy watching Shortland Street, and op shopping.
'Te haaro o te kahu ki tuawhakararere'
'View the future with the insight of a hawk'.

Kaitautoko (Support Worker)
Eric Cresswell
Ko Te Korapa me Pōhatu tōku Maunga
Ko Te Matatere me Tauranga ngā Awa
Ko Mātaatua me Nukutere ngā Waka
Ko Tūhoe te Iwi no ngā hapu o Te Whakatāne me Ngāti Raka
Ko taku Turangawaewae te Waimana Kaaku
Ko Tātaiāhape me Tauānui ngā Marae
No ngā whanau Te Pou, Boynton me Hiakita taku whānau
I've been a part of Te Paepae Ārahi Trust since 2016, my first role was as a rangatahi support worker delivering the ''Whaia te Angitū' program to secondary schools in the Wairarapa. I was encouraged by Nita Kirapeti to complete a Bachelors of Applied Management through Capable NZ, Otago University, I graduated in 2018, where I took on the role as acting interim Manager. I left in 2020 and returned to Te Paepae Ārahi in 2022.
I'm proud to be a part of this organisations journey, witnessing the transformations and triumphs of the many whānau who've been through this service.
Ka mau te wehi!